
Articles and photographs on The Kenya Travel Chronicle may not be copied or displayed for any commercial purpose without the express approval of the owner.

Private distribution of photos, and reprints of the Kenya Travel Chronicle articles, must include the following attribution:

Jeffrey Evans writes about travel experiences, and provides travel photographs, at The Travel Chronicle:  http://www.thetravelchronicle.net/


Photo prints are generally available for any photo on a page with a “jeffreyevans” comment box at the bottom. Please quote a portion of the caption to indicate which image(s) you would like to order.

Best fit to an 8.5″ x 11″ format (or smaller) on high quality paper may be ordered at the rate of:

1-3 Prints @ $20 per print

3 or more prints @ $15 per print

Shipping included to all USA addresses.

Larger prints and overseas shipping available by special arrangement.

Licensing for digital use available at the rate of $100 per image per year, or $300 for an unlimited time period.  No exclusive rights are anticipated, but make us an offer.


All material © 2010 – The Travel Chronicle